Birth Control And Fibro
What kinds of birth control have you found works well with fibromyalgia?
@A MyFibroTeam Member The doctor tried me on a few to control the severe cramping and nothing was really working so they put the Marena in me (IUD) and it stopped my periods all together, I still cramp all month long from Fibro but as long as I take the 800mg of ibprophen I manage ok. I'm sorry I didn't completely answer the question but I hope someone else might some more insight to this. You take care, keep positive my friend. God bless
This is a great question, and one I do not have an answer to. Warm hugs dear friend! I do hope that you will find the best one for you.
How is this birth control working for you now?
I use "Mona Lisa" brand of IUDs it helped with cramping and now my periods are generally 3 days long. Only issue I have now are the strings that hang low and still a bit of back pain, not as much as without the iud. Hope this helps 😊
No idea never in my life have I ever ha
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