Am I The Only One With Fibro That Actually Loves A Good Strong Massage?
I hear that a lot of people with Fibromyalgia don't like to be touched and can only handle light pressure when beinhg massaged. I'm the opposite. I actually prefer the 'pain' of someone getting deep into my muscles. And what's more, it seems to be good for me. Is that weird?
That is not weird at all!! I like a deep massage myself. It helps to work out the knots I get in my back.
No! I'm with you! I love a very firm pressure massage and it works wonders for me. I get them twice a month.
Everyone is different. I had a massage a little over a year ago and about went through the roof with pain. Swore I'd never do it again. Well, my chiropractor has a massage therapist in his office and I talked to her and she said she wouldn't do deep tissue on me. It would be more like a Swedish massage and she would adjust the pressure to my liking. I have an appointment at the end of the month. Best wishes
I also love a firm Tai massage. I find pressing into the hurting areas a relief, but once again it is only short term relief. I try and do this myself as well but it makes my fingers ache so much. I have a tool which looks like two tennis balls stuck together and when used in the correct way brings slight relief but again only very short term.
I haven't tried that but I do lay down and curl into ball, especially laying on my arms might seem like such a small thing, but for us older women it does help.
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