Bumps/lumps Under Skin On Arms
Does anyone get bumps/lumps under the skin on there arms?
@Dannie100, I have a tender lump - almost golf ball size, just under the right side of my left knee, but I also have a bumps, one on my arm about 3-4 inches up from my right wrist, and one on the top of my left hand, next to the middle finger bones. These bumps are much smaller than the lump on my leg, they're the size of pea, and smaller. I know the bumps are RA related, so I'm curious which you have?
I often have lots of tiny grit sized lumps under the skin on the back of my hands, wasn't sure what it was......so I'm assuming it's another fibro symptom 😝
I got them scared at first but I asked Dr it's nerve build up. So fibro will throw some unexpected at us.
I have this on my arms legs /thighs and abdomen.
It feels as if I have lumpy muscle underneath there hard and it's really strange on my right forearm x
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