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Who With Fibromyalgia Has Heard Of And Takes Malic Acid?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Cape Town, ZA

I read research 6 years ago about three small studies from different countries that found fibro patients who took malic acid in large doses reported a significant reduction in pain. I began taking it in the doses the doctors gave their patients and I found the same results.
I know each patient is different, but I am curious who is taking it and who has tried it but stopped, and why.

April 24, 2017
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A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member that is great news! I tried curcumin and it did nothing for me. Malic acid is a wonderful find by researchers. Tell people you know about it. No reason why people should suffer so much pain from fibro.

May 14, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

I've had no side effects from it snd my bodu is like yours, it reacts to meds and supplements.

May 2, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Definitely will have to try it! Thanks for sharing the information. Hugs ♡ ♡ ♡

April 27, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Malic acid comes from apples. It provides a nutrient that yoyr body converts to sheathing for nerve endings. Fibro patients have been found to have highly sensitive nerves. What barely hurts a non-fibro person very much hurts a fibro patient. Researchers tested to see if manufacturing and giving bulk malic acid would help fibro patients. It did and does at high doses, what you can get enough of by eating apples. Taking 1200mg maluc acid morning and night helps me tremendously. One caveat: you must introduce malic acid slowly to your body. 400 mg day and night for four days. Next 800 mg day and night for four days. Finally 1200 mg day and night. Each day you increase your intake you will have hot flashes and a flushed face, but only ghat 1 day. I accidentally ran out of malic acid one weekend. Within 36 hours the fibro pain was back and I was in bed. My daughter drove to many shops looking for some for me that Sunday. I plan to never run out of it again. It was merciless pain when I did run out.

April 25, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Look at The site began ad a Clearinghouse of research info for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue patients. As they found patients looking for the supplements researchers found worked, they began marketing them. This site is empowering and encouraging. I only buy their Double Strength Ultra ATP because I'm not a fan of combination tablets. I want to adjust dosages as they work for my body, not other people's symptoms.

April 25, 2017

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