Fibromyalgia Information
Review link for information about a cure.
I was just posting something to think about and hopes that maybe in 5 years they might find something or treatment that can work.
Hubby picked up meds the Dr called in. I thought it was going to be another kind of muscle relaxer since the one I have isn't working very well. It is an opioid, narcotic, for pain. I'm trying canibious oil first.
This is really good news. It builds upon an article I read a few years back about blood vessel differences in people with fibromyalgia. Doctors and researchers don't seem to care for nebulous things (as fibro was for such a long time). This gives them something to focus on and hopefully at the very least give us treatments that focus more on the root of the problem, versus suppressing symptoms which is a lot of what we've been served in the past.
I think researchers are very interested in solving chronic pain overall (and there's a good amount of money to be made). Given the opioid epidemic, it's very clear that they need to find safer, more effective treatments.
Thank you for sharing.
I pray everyday for a cure for Fibromyalgia. I'm not going to get overly excited though, and I'm not trying to be pessimistic. I just feel that the medical community is on a wild goose chase to try to find a cure. I will continue to pray that a cure eventually comes to light, but for now I feel that there are too many speculations and not enough true answers. I really feel that finding a cure for Fibromyalgia has been put on the back burner and other research is being put in front of fibromyalgia. Thank you for sharing this article. We need to continue to pray for a cure. God bless, and gentle hugs to you.
@A MyFibroTeam Member yes there's also differences in our brains which can account for some of what you mentioned:
Deceased of gray matter in some parts of our brains, increased gray matter in others. We just need to shift our gray matter around :)
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