Does Anyone Else Ever Feel Like Their Ribs Are Bruised Or Cracked Even? Sometimes I Even Hurt When I'm Taking A Breath?
Trying to figure out if the cause is fybro? I'm tired of blaming everything on Fybro but I truly don't have know other explanation. I don't play tackle football lol!
It's called costochondritis it's non cardiac related chest pain caused by the fibromyalgia you can Google it
I have that rib stuff and it can be do to fibro----sorry. I've been to the ER 2x for it, since it is on my Left side, but that was years ago. It comes and goes, with me. Right now I am suffering with the costochondritis and nothing seems to help me.
I have this also. My ribs are also very painful to the touch. If I press on them with my fingers it feels like I'm pressing on a bruise.
Yeah same with me it was why i first went to docs pain all round my ribs and it hurt to touch and to breathe in and out it was the first time i had heard of fibromyalgia my dic said it could be but i wasnt diagnosed for about another 5 years when pain was spreading all round my body i was sent to hospital and tbey diagnised me xx
Yes my rib cage is permanently tender can't wait to get home from work to take my bra off !
Does Anyone Suffer With Painfull Ribs Sore To The Touch And Feel Like Pulled Muscles All Over Ribs Thanks Ann X
The Number Of Painful Areas And The Intensity Of Each Has Changed Over Time . Does Anyone Else Experience A Painful Ribcage?