Clinical Trials For FM
Has anyone considered or been a part of any clinical trials for fibromyalgia?
@A MyFibroTeam Member I've just signed up to 2 UK medical testing companies today. I see that one has already carried out tests for new drugs for FM. Report pending. I will keep you updated. x
I would love to be a guinea pig for a cure for fibromyalgia!
@ Wishdokter one is that our pain recpectors are out of wack from chemical inbalances in our brains . Sorry my brain isn't working . Lol. The other has to do with blood flow in our hands doing something with nerves . The third is it's in our DNA. From what I've read all three things play a part in it . These are beyond simplified answers . It was an article I read . But I've seen separate articles on all 3. I'm beyond fibro fog today . I'm on this pschyc med that is making me even more scattered brained. I get online news letters . Plus people send me things . Let me know about this drug trial. I'm pretty sure we aren't top of the list as far as research goes. We don't die from this . 😧
They do blood tests to rule out everything else . I dont think until they get closer to the cause of fibromyalgia can the find a cure. I've read about 3 major theories . 😏
Sometimes we have to be guinea pigs to find a cure. I would do it for my daughters. I have three. I see some sighs in two of them. Don't want to see them going through what I'm going through..please Lord, help them find a cure for our 👭
Have You Heard?! Its A Start!
My Question Is- Does Anyone Else Feel Like They're Being Stabbed With A Pin When They're Resting? Or Is It Just Another Symptom Of Fibro??
How And Were