Mouth And Throat
Does anyone get sore throat and mouth sores when their fybro flares
Yep. My tongue also gets all cracked & hurts bad. Can barely chew & have to watch the acidic/spicy food & drinks cause no can do on those.
I do not. My son of 8 years old gets them all the time. Poor guy shows many signs of fibro. I sure hope my mommy gut is wrong on this one
Yes I have burning mouth syndrome and dry mouth syndrome both are very painful. Plus I often get cracks at the sides if my mouth all is related to fibro or the meds.
Not so far. Since 1998.
Not sure if connected but I get them when I am stressed. Have felt that the last 2 years have been a flare so can't relate it to increased symptoms.
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What Do Y'all Do To Ward Off A Fibro Flair?? Maybe To Gather We Can Help Each Other!!