Have Any Of You Read Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum's From Fatigued To Fantastic? Do Any Of You Follow His S.H.I.N.E. Protocol?
I am currently reading Dr. Teitelbaum's The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution which is "a quick and dirty" of his book From Fatigued to Fantastic. According to Dr. Teitelbaum's books, using the S.H.I.N.E. protocol gave fibromites up to 90% relief of symptoms. Promising sounding. He is treating each symptom individually so we get relief from it. Do any of you follow the SHINE protocol and how do you feel it works?
I think fibromyalgia occurs when a significant trauma happens to a person and the body's typical systemic responses designed to protect us, fail miserably. I think my fibromyalgia developed because of a perfect storm of two things: I had a bad case of mononucelosis when I was six and never shook the Epstein-Barr virus out of my system (I still test positive for it today) and also when I was seventeen I was involved in a bad car accident where I pulled all the muscles in my back. I think the lack of my body's inability to properly heal at the cellular level (perhaps due to the Epstein-Barr) and having such a widespread bodily trauma progressed into fibromyalgia. The initial failure begins in the central nervous system and cascades through the body's other systems. Some researchers call this being stuck in the "fight or flight"response.
@A MyFibroTeam Member Thank you for adding on to my research. I am not surprised that the FDA came down on him for his supplements. They come down on anybody who sells supplements as a cure. Why? The FDA is simply "protecting the consumer." It is not that many of these supplements don't work, it is because when you are promoting supplementation, the FDA HAS to make sure that your rights as a consumer are protected. (And a quack doesn't kill you.) Dr. Teitelbaum does push exercise, diet, medication and supplementation. The supplements are HIS products (the profit from his supplements goes to charity.) I personally believe there is some of his work which would benefit this community, just at @A MyFibroTeam Member's ANS rewiring has something to offer. Until science can completely identify the causations for fibromyalgia, there can be no "cure" advertised. These people aren't curing, but they might have something to offer in the way of help. I can let you more about Dr. Teitelbaum's premise after reading his books. (*note, the FDA does NOT regulate herbs and spices as curative supplements and won't allow ANYONE to advertise them as such. Doesn't make them unhelpful either.) clear as mud right?
I had an RN recommend his book to me to read. She suggested following S.H.I.N.E protocol but I haven’t.
I would like to know if it works or not.
You can find peer reviewed articles through search: scholar.google.com
Some of the text you can get access to, some you can't. It depends if it links up to a PDF or HTML as a rule
I was just referred by a dietician to look at SCD, GAPS, and SIBO for fibro help. I was surprised by these diet options so as of today I am going to journal and keep track of food and pain. I also found a website called www.dietvsdisease.org -- first website that links to technical papers -- real papers that are from peer-reviewed journals!!! I will look up the one asked about here, too. Lots to learn and seek out now that studies have been done to give some footing to making fibro less unfixable.
S.H.I.N.E. Protocol
Has Anyone Seen Or Heard Anymore About The Claims On Tik Tok About Now They Understand What Causes Fibro And Are Closer To A Cure
Dr. Teitelbaum