Should I Get A C-section Or Give Birth Naturally?
I think I should have a c-section but I don't want a scar. I fear I will not be able to hold my child if I give birth naturally even after maturity leave is up and my husband goes back to work...How would I go about discussing this with my doctor? So far my doctors have been a joke and don't seem to give a hoot about my pain but it's difficult to change doctors this late in pregnancy. They took my off my vyvance (understandable) and my flexeril... so now I have been going through an entire pack… read more
I can't say what it feels like to have a c-section because I have never had one, but I am a nurse and part of my float rotation at the hospital was working in OB. So I took care of moms and babies after moms gave birth.
A c-section is major surgery and the recovery time is longer and more painful. Getting up and out of bed as much as you will need to will be a lot harder and more painful for you then natural birth. You are required to stay in the hospital longer and will require more help.
Having fibro, we want the least amount of trama possible to our bodies. The more trama, the more pain.
As far as your painful hands (so sorry 😥) they have some great slings to put your baby in so he/she will always be cloce to your body and it's hands free. They also have these great pillows that mothers use to help support the baby while nursing. They are round. Can't think of the name but maybe someone reading this will know.
Good luck and congratulations! I'm sure whatever you decide you will do great!
I have given birth naturally and by c-section! Giving birth naturally is so much easier to come back from. C-sections take time to heal and are very painful at first and take a lot out of you. Sometimes we don't have a choice and you have to have a c- section to protect mom and baby. They have really good drugs for pain going natural I would try that first they can always switch to a c-section if needed. Hugs to you and congratulations on your soon to be bundle of joy!💕
Ok now I understand @A MyFibroTeam Member. I had the same concern with my youngest granddaughter, my hands were always going numb n I was dropping things. I had her everyday for the first 1yr, n never dropped her. @A MyFibroTeam Member has some great advice about the slings, pillows etc. Ur baby will probably spend a lot of time in a swing - most love them. Most of the time that ur gonna spend holding ur baby, ur either gonna b sitting or laying with baby on ur chest. When u have to get up n do something lay the baby down, or put in a swing. I think u have a bigger chance of knocking the babys head on the doorway. No I didnt! But came close - whatch those doorways! :-)
Ur gonna do great!
Well as is it hurts to use my hands even just typing on my phone and the more I hurt in my spine/legs it spreads everywhere else like migraines and such. I've tried holding baby's before and it's caused me to get pinched nerves and not be able to barely move...
I had a c section with my 2nd child, n recovrring from that was very painful, n i didnt have fibro back then. Cant imagine doing it with fibro. N now 27 yrs later, the scar looks hideous - got fat pockets above the scar from fibro weight gain. My 1st child I had natural, n it was a lot easier recovering from that.
It takes longer to recover from a c section.
Can I ask why u think u wont b able to hold ur baby if delivered naturally?
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