Does Cymbalta come in 90mg as my doctor stated that I need to increase my Cymbalta and prescribed 90mg but I have not seen where it comes in that dosage. ??? doc did that with me for a time... he did a 30 & a 60mg + 90
Might have to get two separate doses. When I got my antidepressant increased I had to get a pill cutter to get the correct dose.
Maggie, If your m.d. wants you ion 90, you won't be wasting your 60's. He'll just RX 30mg. to add to your current dosage.
Let him know about the RX cost. There may be another RX that can work for you. Always ask for Samples!
Also, hopefully, you'll find the right websites to order your meds from, if you are Cash Pay, with no RX coverage.
Talking with your m.d/m.d.s, about RX cost, maybe they can replace other meds that you are taking with another Brand, etc. that is, essentially, the same.
Look into Patient Assistance plans on internet.
M.D.s are so busy, they often don't think to tell you about this.
Always ask your m.d. for 90 or 100 day supply to get the most out of your RX cost.
Interestingly, a 30 day supply can be only a few dollars less than a 90 or 100 day supply!
Costco and mail order are the way to go!
If you are Disabled with Social Security,
you should look into MEDICARE RX plans, offered by the various health insurance carriers in your State.
Now on Social Security, I am THRILLED at the low copays for Cymbalta's generic, Duluxatine, and all other meds that I take.
I, too, was paying a lot for Duluxatine.
My Best!
Hello. I believe it comes in 20 mg, 30 mg, and 60 mg but, i could be wrong.
Take a 60 and a 30. No 90avail.
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My Doctor Wants To Switch Me To Cymbalta, Can Anyone Share Their Experiences On This?side Effect? Good Effects? I Am Currently On Efflexor