Medical Marijuana
when will Alabama pass the law does anyone know I suffer from fibro and I know it helps
I live in Oregon and would love to try CBD but I can't because of my job and testing positive. I asked my doctor about it and he said it couldn't hurt but for legal reasons I would need a medical card. Kaiser does not give out medical cards. So I must wait until I retired to see if CBD would work.
I live in Washington state. And I use CBD concentrated oil. The one I use is mostly derived from hemp. Yes it helps!! It's the only thing I've found that relieves my Burning neurological pain and can sometimes calm down my muscle spasms. I don't know what the laws are like, but maybe you can get a hemp based tincture before marijuana is legalized… Worth looking into!
Fibro Or Crps? Maybe Both?
What Do You Know About Spinal Cord Stimulator?
Medical Marijuana