Do You Have More Pain With All Weather Events?
I know I've had my pain get worse when a cold front came through but I'm in Austin, TX where we just got a lot of rain thanks to Hurricane Harvey. A day or so before the rain hit my hips, legs and shoulders began to ache more even though doctor just upped my pain meds. Has anyone else experienced that? A pain flair because of ANY change in weather?
*Side note, though we've had a lot of rain here, most of us in Austin are pretty dry and safe. Houston and other parts of the coast are another… read more
Humidity above 42 hurts me and rain is the worst.
hi @A MyFibroTeam Member I am in the Dallas area and could feel Harvey coming two days before it hit. This is pretty usual for me and yes, I can feel ANY weather change, even temperature changes, will cause a minor flare of pain. This means here in Texas I am hurting quite a bit with our fair weather.
YES!! I pray it gets better & am sorry that you are a member of the weather club. I usually know 3-4 days ahead of time when its going to ☔ even though the weather says no rain. I live in middle GA & it rains too darn much here. My body goes through it, muscle pain, bone pain & headaches. Add light & noise sensitivity to it, makes a recipe for an unhappy camper. LOL
I find its best to find that comfortable quiet spot & rest. Don't let anything or anyone interfere in your getting through this episode because most people won't understand. Try not to let depression creep in. Hope I've been helpful. Warm wishes
Yes, I've noticed that winter is very cruel to me... I'm already feeling more pain since we've been having these chilly mornings and nights.. Also, the rain.. I could tell when it was going to rain before it would to do it, since I was 13 yrs of age.. My knees would start hurting a couple of days before it would rain.. Once it started raining, my knees would stop hurting.. It sometimes happens with the snow as well... In the summer months I experience a lot less pain, than any other months.. When its warm-hot.. I can manage to do more than when its going to rain.. However, if its too humid, that's not gd for me either....
I always experience extreme pain when the weather or barametric pressure changes and it doesn't matter if I have had my pain meds or not.
Hi , I Have Recently Developed A Dull Pain In My Left Shoulder Radiating Up My Neck . I Also Have Pins And Needles In The Left Of My Face .
Hi, Has Anyone Tried Prolozone Injections To Help With Areas Of Chronic Muscle Tightness?
Has Anyone Had Ketamine Nasal Spray?