Does Anyone Know The Different Beteen Arthritis/ Nerve Pain And Fibro Pain?
I had arthritis pain seen I was 29 yrs old and was just told that I have fibro this year. My joints and muscles get stiff and ache. I have arthritis 97% of my body. I also have nerve pain from all my surgeries I had. I'm trying to figure out if I do have fibro or not.
Ya' know... Sometimes the damn Internet is our best friend and source for diagnosis. I brought the question of Scleroderma to my PC and he said "you do not have Scleroderma ". Know what? Made an appt with a Rheumatologist and I most certainly "did" have Scleroderma... On top of the fibro. Do your research and then bring it to your doctor.
Sometimes I think the same. Do I Have reumatoides and not fibromialgia because people keeps talking about flares I have pains day and night does not leave me. My body hurts all the time.
I have deep pain that aches everywhere. All of my tendons are extremely tight and I get headaches a lot. I have IBS, anxiety, frequent urination, insomnia and fatigue. Someone can push into my muscles as hard as they can and still not get to the pain. Sometimes, I push into my shiatsu massager so hard it bruises me. That what my fibromyalgia feels like. I hope that helps!
The tender point test consists of someone (usually a doctor) applies light pressure to the 18 tender points that are located throughout the body. Generally the more of these spots that are tender the worse the fibro so if you have none of the tender points than you do not have fibro. Hope this helps.
I have a difficult time differing between the two. A former doctor of mine, who was very up to date on fibro, said fibro could mimic arthritis pain and flu symptoms. I fully believe it!
Inflamation Or Not?
Does Anyone Get An Achey Sore Feeling On The Side Of The Hip In The Fatty Area That You Think Is Fibro Related?
Sensory Axonal Neuropathy