What Do Y'all Do To Ward Off A Fibro Flair?? Maybe To Gather We Can Help Each Other!!
Avoid stress, do gentle water aerobics, get plenty of sleep, being nice to myself. I like to snuggle down and read a good book when I am feeling like a flare is coming. . I am also on a weight loss journey but am hampered by the fact I also have gastroparesis which limits what I can eat. I have lost 77 pounds so far but have 60 to go.
Stress seems to be the biggest cause for me. I'm trying to learn to take life as it comes. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's not worth a flair up. I'm knew to this tho so maybe that's just me
Figure out what your triggers are and try to stay away from them as much as possible.
Mine are stress, lack of sleep, over doing it, eating bad food, exposing my self to cold temperatures without wearing proper clothing, outside extream heat, and just recently I found out wind!
All of the above answers are great. Love you guys.
I try to stay positive and be kind to myself,hot showers,cuddles from my dog,need to stay alone
Limit stress, try not to overdue anything, learning to listen to my body.
Does Anybody Have Problems With Understanding Sarcasm Especially During A Flair?
How Do I Help My Husband Understand That I Just Can't "do" Stress!!
Anyone Get Trigger Points All Over Their Bodies With The Fibro?