Burning On The Bottom Of Feet
Does anyone have the feeling of the bottom of there feet are burning, and at the same time the tops can be cold? I don't know if it's fibro or something else.
Yes freezing cold feet but a burning sensation in the soles. I think it's fairly common, most people I know with FM have it to some degree.
That's how i found out i had fibo my feet where burning like crazy had a migraine for six months had a emg my nero sent me toa vein doctor they thought it was a blood flo problem he is the one that told me i had fibromyalgia my feet still burn sometimes with all the other stuff that hurts
Definitely get it as well.
Sounds like neuropathy, I get the burning down my legs to the bottom of my feet. Let your rheumatologist know. I take generic Neurontin for it but try to limit it due to the memory problems it causes me. How are the veins in your legs?
There are many times that one foot is on fire and the other foot feels like it’s stuck in the snow.
Bottom Of Feet Feel Like Burning
Does Your Feet Hurt During The Day, Irrespective Of Wearing Shoes Or No Shoes.
Am I Suffering With Fibromyalgia?