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Muscle Testing

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Courtenay, BC

Anyone heard of muscle testing? I have to go to Vancouver for this test. On a ferry then over a bridge. Worried about testing. Have no idea how i will travel. Just wondering what others do.

November 10, 2017
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I had a nerve conduction test done by a neurologist. No inserting of a needle but just electrodes adhered to skin and she slowly heightened the energy flow until I felt a spasm and then she stopped at once. She did only one side if my body on arm and leg.
Hypersensitivity of my muscles was the diagnosis, typical in fibromyalgia

November 11, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

You should call them and ask exactly what you are to expect from the test. What other name does it go by....ask questions. Always ask them questions and don't give up if they get mad. These are your rights. Then write down what they say And keep your info on a pad or journal. I've learned over time to call and ask what I don't understand. They get used to me calling. I think they know I have fibro and I need to know what's going on and sometimes I forget too. It happens. Which is another reason to take notes at the Dr or take someone with you too.

November 13, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

A needle connected to wires to the machine, are inserted deep into a muscle and a current is sent thru to measure it's reaction. It will cause muscles to contract. Depending on the operator, it can be endurance or like me having me in tears. The closer to a bone, I ankle, the more painful. This is to rule out things like MS, etc. As a pain specialist at the University of Washington told me never allow that test to be done on a person with fibro or autoimmune disorders because it will bring on a flare and it does not prove anything about fibro or any of the other autoimmune. Also if you have skin sensitivity it is going to be compounded painful. I am not saying this to put fear and Terror into anyone I am speaking from my experience only and I have had it done 5 times by five different operators. And some of them seem to think they need to turn the juice up very highly and that is not the case even a mild current is sufficient to show the results and is much less painful. So if you are going to have this done definitely lay down the ground rules that the person is not to turn the volume up high it is not required. You absolutely must stand up for you this. And those of us that have allodynia forward slash hyper skin sensitivity it is more than vital. I am begging you please stand up for yourself and tell them you will not turn the volume High and when I say stop I mean stop. God be with you

November 10, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Same thing here.. Hated it.. Painful.....but the acupuncture works but yes it hurts but the relief is awesome..

November 12, 2017
A MyFibroTeam Member

Addendum a friend of mine took his older daughter to have it done and I warned him about all these things and told him hold on to her hand because the shock of having it done is going to cause her to have a grand mal seizure which she has often as it is. The operator did not want him to be in there he told her tough his daughter held his hand trying to relax the operator turned the juice of high and she had a very dangerous grand mal seizure and ended up in the hospital for hours. I have seizures but nothing like that and it kicked in my seizure is well but I was alone I didn't have anybody with me at all and they sent me home even though my thinking was not clear. And in the end I was told your tests are fine. It does not prove fibro one way or the other it is a waste of time. And I am only speaking for myself and I am only speaking for what my friend's daughter told him. Please please be careful again as the University of Washington pain clinic which is the best that there is even said they do not give that test and they warned against anybody having that unless it is to prove for MS. Please research all your information long before you go and walk in there full of Knowledge full of proof and stand your ground.

November 10, 2017

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