Rectal Bleeding...fibro Issues Or Something Else?
On and off i get blood in my stool dont know why but it happens. Again today except even just peeing the pressure of that brought quite a good amount of blood out the other end. For so long iv wondered if its chrons disease or something else as i done feel this has anything to do eith fibro. Iv had a colonoscopy that showed nothing so doctor gave up. I get chronic abdominal pain, nausea, loss of appetite, have vommited, my digestive issues/colon are constant. Anything similar for anyone thats… read more
Find a good doc. You could change same of your food intake.
I have a lot of problems with my stumic. I don't have enough enzyme to help digest lots of the food I eat. So onions garlic any spicy food is out. Most dairy as well. I am lactose. I don't like lots of fruit or same veg. It is a challenge to cook my meal or even go out for one. Good luck in finding an answer
I would think more understanding doc. Keep searching. It could be food related medicine or so many other things. Sometimes the doc just give up when they think you had this test and that test so no more. Get a different doc or specialist.
I sounds like you need more testing. I never had it & its not part of FMCF. IT COULD BE A MEDICATION ur taking. Did u have ulcers? Was Dr. A specialist??
Yes I bleed sometimes but it's not as bad as your s sounds
I have Uclcerative colitis. Ulcers in the bowel lining. And when
They re inflamed is when I have a flare
Fibro patients often have bowel problem s mainly IBS
Did you know that 80% of diseases are from bacteria in our bowels ,?
This could be a nervous stomach but you need to check also stomach for ulcers there
Go back to the doctor is my advice just do t leave it
Definitely see a gastroenterologist
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