Stress And Memory
Does your brain fog and memory loss get worse under stress or is it consistent?
Yes agree that stress makes fiber worse, but….. I also notice that Fibro gives you stress and makes you feel more irritable, more jumpy, and that causes stress, so you go around in circles, which comes first - irritable from Fibro - which causes stress - or Stress itself causes Fibro to flare. And around & around we go.
I dont know about you all — but i want off this ride. 🥲
Hello! I think I've already posted a comment on this thread but I have an update. My issues weren't just remembering names or words, or losing my car, but were also lapses of time. Initially I was told it may be hormones since heading into menopause. Then was told it was just my Fibro. Lastly, my speech began to be affected. I would slur, stutter & sometimes speak slowly. Next up was a referral to a Neurologist. Anyway, where I'm going with this is, I was told by the Neurologist that the lapses of memory, forgetting to put my car in park, turning my kitchen faucet on instead of my microwave, trying to turn my car off while driving instead of the turning the headlights on...all is a side effect of Fibro. Our bodies & our brains are on overload, probably due to pain, but to compensate, certain area of our brains shut down a bit to cope. This really helped me to understand. I hope this might help some of you.
Yes, I now know that when I'm over tired and in mote pain, I cannot function. I make silly mistakes, get mote stressed and finally very snappy with my family.
I now know to go lie down and calm down for a bit or it's the start of a flare up.
Stress and lack of sleep makes it worse. Sine days im like my old self. I misd that girl. Want her back all the time.
I do gentle yoga in a chair to start off with , depending on how I feel , drink water , and walk , even if only around the house and garden , on better days venture out with nature , its a good healing factor especially by the coast or a lake , hope it helps ,
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