Bugs... Lol...
Hiya Pepole... I’ve got a question does anybody ever feel like there’s bugs crawling around in their neck and their shoulders blades....
Formication is the medical term for a sensation that exactly resembles that of small insects crawling on (or under) the skin. It is one specific form of a set of sensations known as paresthesias, which also include the more common prickling, tingling sensation known as "pins and needles".
I have it along with rash and itching its called fibromyglia skin it takes many forms and is annoying. There is several articles on it my favorites is fibromyglia news everyday health very well . Medicine today Fibromygliatreating.com . I would urge you to look up there might find some stuff you can do. Mine rotates from feeling like mosquitoes bites to the creeply crawlies to burning itching and rashes. I found that my therapies have to change day to day. I have a cycle lotion hydro cortisone, benadryl , antihistamines , my constants are oatmeal bath weekly homemade body scrubs no perfumes dyes and alcohol containing products and there has been some progress. I also know my skin starts feeling creepy crawling with loose flowing clothing my hair touching my skin. Sorry my skin has been driving me bananas
Yes, easpecially at night. Very itchy. I have one point on shoulder blade ( can’t reach ( of course), that burns like crazy. I figure it’s a nerve ending on fire. Happens a lot when I’m tired. Only thing that helps is scratching it with a firm hairbrush. Then it’s completely gone... til the next time!
Yes I have this all over my body. I went to a neurologist and had tests and was told that for me it was from fibro. Always get the dr to clean things out
I've had itching and tingling- all a part of this according to my dr.
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