Specific Weight Training Exercises For Fibro
I’m tired of seeing, just start using weights for better health! too vague. And then I feel like a truck hit me after doing a simple 60 minute yoga session with ppl who are my moms age or older. AURGH!
Well, what I do for heavy exercise is the same things that people do for everyday life.
Mowing the lawn is awesome. I'll pay, but it's worth it.
Here's a HUGE tip for you guys.
The pain and the illness cause stress.
When we are under stress, some of us don't breathe properly.
We breathe in a shallow way, as though we are hiding.
The shallow breathing becomes a habit. Shallow breathing irritates those trigger points in the upper back.
I now have signs up in my house.
I also feel like I’ve been hit by a truck daily and yoga takes all of my energy and I can never make t through a full class. I have just been trying to slowly rebuild my strength my own way by even doing household tasks and trying to walk more. Do you! Do what feels right for you and never let anyone make you feel bad for listening to your body! Try restorative yoga — it focuses more on stretching and slow movements and meditation — very relaxing and great for fibro Pain!
hi all
for me - my body can not tolerate weights unless I am very careful like low weight 5 reps. I too tried yoga at first diagnosed but felt like I was hit by a truck and spent 3 days in bed. I just recently found on YouTube very short yoga sessions for about 12 minutes- no standing posses. I think I will wait on those for a while to see if I get stronger. I hope this helps. PS: remember there is no cure, we have to find what works for each of us individually. That's what a doctor told me and I do feel he is right.
Water exercise is my go-to. The weightlessness helps to curb the negative effects of non-water aerobics & weight training. I live in Denver & have a membership to the city parks & rec (with disability rates--hey, *something* good has to come from living with fibro!) and warm water exercise which can incorporate yoga, tai chi, weights and aerobic stuff is amazing. Look for classes at your local parks & rec. 😁
Weight Loss
Difference Of People
Daith Peircing Help With Fibromyalgia