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Does Anyone Else Have Fatigue As Their Primary Symptom With Fibro?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Flint, MI

I see lots of discussion and helpful suggestions about dealing with the pain of fibro, and I do appreciate those. However, for me the fatigue is the most debilitating part. Some days I wake up feeling decent, but just taking a shower wears me out and I need a nap.

February 24, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I decided to focus on the fatigue with my doctor so we agreed to 10mg of Adderall (I'm not ADHD but there's been studies of it being connected to fibro maybe) in the morning and pain meds (cymbalta ex and occasional tramadol) at night. Not only did it take my brain away from the pain, but it increased the effectiveness of the pain meds I've been taking for a year, so I could go down in strength. Also, stimulated other things that weren't working as well with pain meds so don't need any constipation meds or acid reducers (since cutting out gluten). Maybe this info will help someone get out of that hole of depression and isolation, too.

March 5, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Hi Marcia....I would ask your Dr about trying Savella...even though it's advertised for fibro, its actually an antidepressant. It affects the norepinephrine neurotransmitters twice as much as any other which will not only help with pain but norepinephrine also gives you energy. I understand how it feels to not have that energy to do what you want to, even cook or clean, and it was the primary reason why my depression became so bad. But it also helped me a lot. I'd also ask your Dr to test your thyroid, and then find a Dr. who will prescribe liothyronine which affects the active T3, the energizing part of your thyroid hormones. Most Dr just prescribe levothyroxine which increases T4, not an activating energy producing thyroid hormone. I found that the Liothyronine and increased T3 levels also helped with some of the chronic pain I was having.
Good luck and don't give up....there is help out there. Take care, Angela

August 7, 2021
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I use adderall, a drug used by ADHD people. It is an amphetamine and slows them down. For the rest of us, it gives us energy. I use it 6 days a week and give my body a rest on Sunday and don't take it. It really gives you your life back but use it as sparingly as possible because it is habituating if you have taken more than you need, coming off of it at the end of the day is uncomfortable. I get 20mg. tablets from my internest, but only take 10mg at a time. If I have something important in the afternoon and really have to push through, I will take another 5mg. You have to experiment with it. I can't emphasize enough how it can give you a life you used to have.

August 28, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Fatigue always has been the worst part for me.The overwhelming exhaustion and NEED to sleep NOW is horrible.I used to feel so guilty and lazy,but after years of people and my GP telling me to listen to my body and sleep if I need tohave to finally sunk in,so I do.
If I'm pushed for time,I set my alarm for 15 minutes and have a power nap,and this seems to provide some relief. Magnesium Malate help too x

September 20, 2023
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes! I always say it feels like i am walking around with weights hanging off of me. People try to understand but like a lot of “invisible illnesses” it can get frustrating for them. Its terrible. Take care of yourself, listen to your body, and hang in there!

September 20, 2023

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