Has Anyone Seen A Change In Their Symptoms After Changing Their Diet?
I can no longer take anti-inflammatory drugs, after 17 years my kidneys have said "no more!" . So, I was forced to change my diet in order to keep my kidneys as healthy as possible. This was a slow process over a couple months that we've been living for almost a year now. Our diet now looks like this
A. No processed foods
B. No breads, little to no pastas, rice or heavy starches
C. Heavy fruits and vegetables
D. Nuts, some whole grains: farrow, lintels, quinoa, chia seeds
E. Very little… read more
When I first got Fibro about 15 years ago, I started to be unable to walk without using a cane. I had to use my arms to pull myself up stairs. After a year with the cane, I was sick of it. I was only 51. I started a 100% raw food diet. Some fruit, but mostly salads. Lots of my own freshly made sprouts. After about 8 months,I was able to get rid of the cane forever! It’s been over 12 years now and when I eat crappy food, I may start hobbling and dragging my feet, but still have never had to go back to the cane. RAW FOOD IS A MIRACLE WORKER!.
I have only been on here twice in the last several months because the horrible plains-states weather has increased my brain fog and pain. Pain from changes in weather and the atmospheric pressure overrides any dietary restrictions for me.
YES, eating differently has made a difference in my pain. Until this past December my pain had been minimal since starting a diet almost three years ago.
It's interesting how similar the diets are that have been mentioned. This is the diet was prescribed to me by an APRN who specializes in FM because her mother had it:
NO gluten (wheat, rye, or barley)
NO dairy (I cheat with a little cheese)
NO caffeine
NO sugar or sugar substitutes (honey, molasses, maple syrup, and Stevia are OK)
NO preservatives (home cooked or home prepared foods only)
NOTHING but organic foods (can only afford a few items per month)
Too bad I hate lettuce, isn't it? But I do love fresh spinach. Have found several substitute foods like that. I eat any fresh fruit when I crave sweets.
Wonderful Hubby cooks when I can't, and he eats almost all my gluten-free substitutes with me. Very fortunate in this way. Like all medicines don't work for all people, I believe all diets don't work for all people. We have to experiment.
Diet is a huge part of helping with fibro flares. I had a huge flare up last month - 3 days in bed with chronic fatigue. Saw Dr Exelby (fantastic fibro doctor), bit the bullet and went: *totally dairy free * grain free (small amount of rice) * Nightshades free - tomatoes(cherry tomatoes are ok), eggplant, capsicum, chilli, white potatoes *No legumes, pulses, lentils,soy, peanuts You can eat dark CHOCOLATE - thank goodness! Satisfies my sweet cravings Within 3 days the fbro fog had completely gone and I was sleeping far, far less, Within a week chronic fatigue had gone, but shoulder pain still needing massage and acupuncture. This diet really works but it can be difficult - Pete Evans Paleo Diet gives you some good ideas and Womens Weekly has a great Gluten Free Cookbook out if you can do grains but not gluten. There is a BIG difference between grain free (no lectins) and gluten free (still has lectins) hope this helps, Xena
diet definitely made a difference to my pain and fatigue. Sugar is probably the worst. clean eating seems to improve so many symptoms.
Yes, cutting gluten even if you don't have celiac helps fibro pain. When I first went GF, my pain reduced to the point that I thought I was cured. But being foolish, I started eating wheat again and now I'm back to full-blown FMS. I got back on my GF diet as soon as our kitchen was remodeled, but I was also doing Keto diet which didn't agree with me due to an increase in coconut oil consumption. So now, that I'm cooking again (the fractured back made hubby cook for awhile and we started eating out again), I plan on going GF once more.
Diets Or Sugar Free Eating
Does Changing Diet Help?