Does Anyone Get Severe Bruising On There Legs From Their Fribro?
I get bruises easily in any part of my body.I get a lot of pain in my legs some days and when I get sick -for example, when I get a flu- they do hurt double. I try using a heat lamp for this and it worked for me.
Mine show up if I brush up against something. it doesn't even have to be very hard for a bruise to form. I have about 5-10 little bruises all over my leg.
I have it all the time all over my body, especially my arms & legs.
My legs are the easiest place on my body to bruise. If I itch my thighs or bump into anything I bruise terribley.
I bruise easily all over.
Reactions To Covid Vaccines
Does Anyone Else Notice That They Brise Much Easier Since Their Fibromyalgia Diagnosis?
Is Anyone Else Here Struggling Due To Covid 19 Not Being Able To Have Holistic Treatments And Physio?