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Hand Pain

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭

Does anyone else have sore hands, even to touch the backs of my hands feel bruised, sore in my joints to touch or try to press things, to try and type for a period of times makes them sore, also goes to my wrist, elbow and shoulder? Also when hoovering the other day my arms and hands got so sore that after they kept shaking and they felt so weak like I couldn’t even grip a pen, anyone else experienced any of these symptoms?

April 28, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes I have this also. I said in a previous post, I had to give up my aromatherapy work as my hands were terribly sore. I get pain that starts in my middle fingers and goes all the way up arm to back. Look up the Latissimus Doris muscle, it has attachment all the way from the back through under arm to fingers and hand. Inflammation here may be causing hand pain. An anti inflammatory gel might help, ibuprofen gel helps me.

April 28, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I have all that trouble with my hands. Pain, numbness, weakness and my hands shake so ba sometimes they make me crazy. It could be carpel tunnel, but could also be part of the fibromyalgia.

April 28, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I have this all the time. I even got used to it but it hurts a lot sometimes. I recently started to feel like they are burning, as I had a sunburn . I avoid taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs because they ruin my stomach. I sometimes use a heating pad and it helps. There were times I needed ice instead of heat .

April 28, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I have been dealing with the painful hands for about a year now!! Like you, the backs of my hands are almost always sore and feel so swollen inside I feel like they could burst! The backs of my fingers also ache and my left thumb is so bad at times I do drop stuff! I usually put Voltaren on and heat but recently with my left hand and thumb, I’ve had to use an ice pack as it was so hot inside! I have wrapped my hands in tensor bandages and separately around my thumb and it seems to help a bit and I even found like a fingerless tensor glove that I was so excited to find as the tensor bandages are a pain at times but unfortunately I don’t find they help as much as the bandages! I’m so tired of complaining but the pain is so real! 😥

April 29, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Thank you so much for all the comments, I’m very new to fibromyalgia and I thought for ages that I was going crazy and nobody would believe all my symptoms, thank you for all your advice everyone

April 29, 2018

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