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Is Having Scalp Tenderness A Symptom Of Fibromyalgia?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Bardstown, KY

I just got diagnosed a few weeks ago with Fibromyalgia. I have had scalp tenderness on and off for years. I've talked to a few of my doctors about it. No one has given me answer.

April 30, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I've written this info before but I think it's worth another comment on scalp pain. I thought for many years my scalp pain was caused by my firbromyalgia. I was recently diagnosed with polymyalgia rhumatica. Not only was my scalp sore but my shoulder was always painful. I had stiffness in my back & hips upon getting out of bed. I urge you to have your doctor to do blood tests to confirm that it might just polymyalgia. Untreated it can lead to blindness. Google it to see all the information on this auto immune disease. I am currently on 15 mg. of steroids & methotrextate(MTX) ( an old cancer drug). I went off the steroids and had a major flare. I could hardly walk for the pain I felt & I was so tired I went from the bed to sofa. I had no energy at all. Within 3 days of taking the steroids I couldn't believe how much better I felt. The doctor said I got off the steroids too fast & didn't give the MTX a chance to work.I hope this info is helpful.

November 1, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Overactive nerves is the Hallmark for fibromyalgia and it can strike anywhere . The scalp happens to be a place that fibro loves to inhabit... It is internally so topically anything you try may relieve it for a moment but it will flare up as soon you stop. Just like heat soothes the pain while it is in whatever is hurting but comes back once you stop .... Don't let doctors tell you about a disease they know nothing about. The sufferers are the ones who know so we must rely on each other. There are so many symptoms to this disease that it's hard to keep track. They ebb and flow...For decades I had weird symptoms. I'm a nurse and ignored it was fibromyalgia because it was not recognized by the medical community. It was.a Boutique disease. Horrible. Mainly because it affects women more than men so therefore it is in your head, attention seeking, too many symptoms for it to not just be made up . I heard that for 20 yrs. So many young people suffer from this and a lot are told it's not real. The medical community has to give it life now cause so many are affected by it . It is actually being reclassified as an autoimmune disease and it has a very high correlation with people who have Hashimoto an autoimmune thyroid. Disease...

February 4, 2024
A MyFibroTeam Member

There is a doctor at my clinic who poo poo's the "even my hair hurts" comment. He's not a fan of Fibro, but I remind him that I went to a Rheumatologist in another city and never once used the 'F-word' and he came back after all the testing etc and said "What you have ,young lady, is something called Fibromyalgia. Here are my recommendations and I will have you and your husband watch a video that helps family members understand what it is and how to live with a person with it."

Maybe the PA at my clinic should watch that video. 😍

October 25, 2022
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes! I have it also, I've been telling doctor's for years. Burning itching pain constantly. Even tried emu oil on my scalp takes the edge off sometimes. Also losing my hair. It's gray now and very thin. My scalp feels like it shrunk it used to be very smooth and round now I feel lumps an indentations. Doctor thinks I'm crazy. I've had so many symptoms and illnesses, tried so many different medications, cannabis, CBD oils, holistic doctor's, acupuncture, trigger point shots, diet's in the last 47 yrs. I'm giving up! One Day At A Time! God Bless all of you fighting this disease. Hug's 🤗

February 22, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

Hi there
I think it does because
We all have nerve endings all over our body and head!
I get very tender on my head
And it moves all over my head
At different times be on back, one side or the other or on my
Top of my head !! The transmitter in our brain tells our nerves there is pain and it goes to that parts of our body & head !! Crazy but true!!

January 1, 2019

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