Stem Cells
Has anyone researched or had stem cell therapy done to help cure this disease?
I am currently researching this and found that science is looking at "adipose tissue derived stem cells". Adipose means fat. Apparently, this is an easily (less invasive) and repeatable harvested source and is considered to be ideal for application in regenerative therapies. Burrowing into bone marrow and other places for mesenchymal stem cells (also multipotent) is very invasive and morbidity stats are higher. So, fat is readily available (on me for sure) and these cells are multipotent - which means they can be guided to turn into several types of tissue cells - chondrocytes, cardiomyocytes, neural cells, vascular cells, you get the idea. Fibro is unique because they don't know the underlying cause and the symptoms are all over the body. Even with stem cell therapy it could possibly be that they treat the symptom of highest priority (probably based on pain level and damage done), so you are left with the fibro continuing to be a problem and still needing to treat the symptoms on an individual basis. There is something to be said for reduction of pain and increase in mobility, even if it is body part by body part, In case it's of interest, this turn in direction towards ADSCs and other sources, is a turn away from embryonic stem cell research. The turn actually started years ago. Not sure if this helps - Looks hopeful, as does stem cell therapies in general.
I learned that flares occur when I get upset about something but also when I get excited and look forward to something. I am not a robot, I do want to enjoy life as much as possible. We are planning a three week vacation driving across country thi summer and I can’t imagine what that will be like.
Stem cell treatment is usually a last resort treatment for cancer patients and the success rate is not good. My sister in law had it done when she had cancer, it was very painful and was not successful. I don’t think I would ever consider it.
I’m more interested in fat cells. I have a few to spare.
Wow woman. You r brave.
I know how how you feel.
Has Anyone Tried Stem Cell Treatments?
Stem Cells
Has Any One Tried Stem Cell Therapy For Arthritist?