Pain Meds/anxiety Meds
Does anyone else find it hard to treat fibro with pain meds and anxiety meds? My new doctor does not want me on pain med (morphine and oxycodone) with Benzos (zannax). So he is now taking me off my zannax. I understand they are not a good mixture. But through all my trial of meds zannax has been the only thing to treat my anxiety. So does that mean I either can treat my pain or extreme anxiety panic attacks?
@A MyFibroTeam Member
That’s how I am with memory loss. I remember everything from the past, but I forget what someone tells me within in 10 minutes.
Idea you may want to consider. I used to be on anti-anxiety medications, but hated the side effects. At one point my doctor suggested biofeedback therapy. I did 6 months of biofeedback therapy, which I found was just learning how to breathe properly. How to induce a calm state by breathing and visualization. You would be surprised how just the way we breathe induces anxiety. After 6 months of biofeedback therapy, I no longer needed any anxiety medication.
@A MyFibroTeam Member I use to work for 3 Doctors and you are absolutely right about pain is never gone and the Meds just help to a certain point. I believe Fibromyalgia is like a lot of other diseases with chronic pain and you have to learn how to live with it. I say know your limit stay within it.
Hi I have TMJ, FMS, ME/CFS, MPS, CPS, IBS-C, GERD, PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder. I'm on 150mgs of methadone for 4 yrs. I'm getting ready to do a 30 day detox to get completely off methadone so I can see my pain management Dr she said she would prescribe me an opiate and she's fine with my psychiatrist prescribing me a benzo for my anxiety. I've been prescribed klonopin a few yrs ago before for a yr for my anxiety I was on 2mgs 3x's a day and it really helped me. My PC Dr, Pain Dr, Rhuematologist, and Psychiatrist are OK with my pain Dr and psych Dr prescribing me an opiate with a benzo as long as I get off methadone completely. I would speak with your Primary Care Dr, and other specialists about your anxiety and pain. As long as you take ur meds as prescribed its safe my drs told me. They told me the biggest risk is methadone/benzos, or alcohol/benzos. There's a very tiny risk for opiates/benzos but that's basically if ur abusing them together taking too many and not as prescribed. You shouldn't have to choose between anxiety and pain. Its not fair. Your drs should give u a chance to treat both. Good luck and gentle hugs!
Oh dear, my doctor knows i have myocardial ischemia and he claimed it is fine in a low dosage.
Ty for your resonse KittyMaMa42, i will question his information on the next visit.
I know that my pharmacist and doctor recommended taking these seperately with my morphine.
Tx again, its always great to have more info and safety first for each individual.
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