Odd Constipation While On Murilax RX And Varicose Veins
I don't want to gross anyone out but usually on prescription polyethelene gylcol I have no issues with my bowels other than going a few times a day, a blessing in disguise. Twice now I have felt the need to force part of a non-hard stool that was determined not to pass. I did however take some mineral oil and drank some prune juice and lots of coffee. After straining more later on, what ever it was passed but it was not formed stool or pieces, it was a pile nothing hard that I could see. I had… read more
Oh no. IBS is terrible especially when it flares.
Sex? What is that? Gave that up 6 yrs ago. I also have vulvadynia and having sharp shooting pains in your nether region is certainly not fun.
@A MyFibroTeam Member, you are absolutely right. Ill have to take other people's word for it on sexuality, because I haven't had that as part of my life since before fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed in 1994. To tell the truth, I don't miss it at all, but that's just me. I understand that for some people in committed relationships, it's very important to them, so the fact that that hurts would be very distressing.
If you are taking pain pills you'll be constipated. I finally got a script for Amitiza it's made for opioid constipation but can be used for IBS also. I don't believe hemorrhoids has any connection to varicose veins. Two separate issues. Your hemorrhoids are caused from hard stools. Drink lots of water & increase your fiber. Good luck. I know how miserable this can be I deal with constipation all the time.
I have never taken polyethylene gycole before, nor do I know what it is used for. But I have had plenty of experience with hemorrhoids and before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia back.in 94 I had had 2 hemmorhoid surgeries that landed me in the hospital both times. After that I suffered from an anal fissure. Talk about excruciating. I was in my late 30s and had never had children, had no leg vein problems, but my diet was all American. Lots of junk food, suger, and tons of snacking at night. I didn't know any better. Few did back.then but for a few.
Is there a correlationship between varicose veins and hemmoroids, I don't know, but your doctor can tell.you. To bulk up your stool you need both soluble and nonsoluble fiber. And fluids. You can look up these foods on the internet and be sure to cut down on suger and too much red meat if you haven't already. Dont expect instant results. Give your body time. If you haven't been eating fiber at all, I suggest you go slowly to begin with to avoid bloating which can be uncomfortable. No more mineral oil. Your gut is part of your immune system and is important for heart health. We have to treat it as best as our circumstances and health allow. I have IBS, but it's not my worst symptom of fibromyalgia. Pain from flares is. God bless you. ❤
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