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After An Episode, Does Anyone Feel Like Their Anxiety Level Increases

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Pittsburgh, PA

When I have an episode and am down for a couple days, when the pain, exhaustion and fog begin to lift, I can feel my anxiety level increase. Like without knowing it my body seems to panic because of all the time lost and all the things that still need to be done. Just wondering if I am alone with this or if there are others. Thanks!

May 15, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

My first response is I'm so sorry that you battle with this "monster of an illness", as we all do. My answer for your question is the difference we experience the anxiety, and I recognize, Anxiety can happen out of the blue also. With my fibromyalgia however, I can start experiencing the affects of the awful symptoms that are "just waiting around the corner" if you will, and that tends to really get my anxiety level really going!
Today has been a really difficult day due to a weather front (rain and storms are on the way, and I can actually even notice the changes in the atmosphere, and know bad/eerie weather is on it's way, and I dread the misery it causes my symptoms (as well as my knowledge and compassion for our fellow "chronic pain survivors"). There way joy to be found in the symptoms I'm experiencing today. I literally had to force myself out of bed at 6:15 a.m. so I could be sure to attend my precious grandson's graduation program from Kindergarten. I wouldn't have stayed in bed, or acknowledged my pain, or refused to go unless I had no capacity whatsoever left in my mind and body, for the priceless smiling and joyful expression on our grandson's face when he looked out into the crowd and saw Granmama, and Granddaddy waving and smiling in pride and joy at recognizing we were there. "Be still my heart." Watching our grandson and, knowing he is quickly moving on to the next level of his growing up years, was worth all the pain hidden within my body and mind, and worth every second of agony each time I moved my body; because when I woke this morning, it felt like someone had used a hammer all throughout the night beating me up and down both sides of my body. My ribs hurt, my hips hurt, my arms and shoulders so tender to the touch. My chest felt like something had been sitting on it all night. Granted I also have chostochrondritis,,which during my research is another symptom that goes along with fibromyalgia. See: Anyway, like all of us, hanging in there and always doing the best I can to get through each day. Blessings and gentle hugs to all.

May 15, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes my body reacts the same . I have had to learn my limits also to do my best not to stress what I can’t get done . It’s hard . When I stress about what I don’t get done my anxiety is so bad I half to take something it makes me tired and I am down longer . I have had Fibro since 1997 diagnosed in 2004 . It’s definitely a challenge. learning to deal with all that accompanies Fibro Easy Does It my friend 💕

May 17, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes, I find myself getting very anxious when I know I'm flaring, because it means I'm not going to be able to do many things that I will have already planned...

May 16, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes this is a bad sickness and it's hard for everyone that have it that's why I like this website because we can encourage each other God bless someone's going through what we're going through and you don't have to hear negative people with their negative thoughts saying what they think might work only you know your body and you know what you can do and what you can't do well with the weather with me it doesn't matter if it is 60 below zero 100 degrees outside my body hurts every single day

May 16, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

Have you thought about seeing a psych. A pain psych or someone who understands the relationship between pain and anxiety etc.. sounds like you need to let go of what you feel "needs" doing, and start lessening your "have to's". There are so many things we make ourselves to every day, that we could do less of, or in a different way. Simplifying life makes things so much more manageable.

May 22, 2018

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