Does Your Feet Hurt During The Day, Irrespective Of Wearing Shoes Or No Shoes.
My feet hurt really bad when my back is bad or my overall pain is bad, that’s when I know I have to stay off them cuz it’ll only make my pain even worse.
My feet hurt terribly if I wear even the most expensive, most comfortable shoes! I go barefoot at home summer and winter. Even the slip-on socks hurt.
I have dealt w/horrible foot pain for the past 4-5 yrs. I have been diagnosed w/plantar fasciitis, Morton's neuroma, bone spurs in heel, arthritis and peripheral Neuropathy. So with all of that and Fibromyalgia, 3 podiatrist I have seen wont touch my feet because anything they do could make the pain worse. 3 things that have helped me -- Vionic shoes. Great for correcting pronation issues, which help with knee, hip & lower back pain. Expensive but worth it for me. The other thing is a Natural Hemp Cream 35,000 mg. The last thing is Mucinex or the generic version of it. The guifenaisen in it relieves the parathesia or that burning sensation like your feet are dipped in scalding water. There are no drugs that help. I have an electric foot massager. Massage hurts and helps but the effects are short lived so I use it daily. I dont think this pain will ever go away. It is part of my life. It limits everything I can do on my feet and how much time I get on my feet before it becomes unbearable, which is about 3 hours. Nobody understands the intense foot pain and how it affects life unless they live through it themselves. My sympathies to all of you out there who suffer with this.
Wonderful! I need to find some! I have been searching for shoes that feel like I can wear them for any amount of is so hard with this pain! Maybe we should go in the business of making shoes for neuropathy patients! Someone needs to! Hope your day was good!
@A MyFibroTeam Member. I have that same kind of pain and it is terrible. There have been times that i have been reduced to tears because i couldnt even walk on them. It is a feeling only that people who have it can underatand. I remember one time i actually had to take off my shoes and put my feet in the snow because they felt like they were on fire. I will say that aince i started the UltraCell 2 months ago, they are starting to get better...not as frequent pain. I think this pain is going to take a bit longer to resolve, but i am hopeful as there has been improvement.
What Type Of Shoes Do You Wear. ?
Does Anybody Have Really Swollen Ankles Feet Etc
Feet Pain