I know I asked this question a while back but I did not many responses so.... it's more some of a statement
Why can't we start a meet and greet with those of us who live in or around certain cities
For example: I live in Savannah so if there's anyone in the surrounding area would like to meet for coffee (I don't drink coffee but this is just an example) one day, just let me know. Instead of us talking on this awesome website, we can meet each other face to face to just talk about certain… read more
Would love to meet people for coffee or tea have a chat in chard Somerset
I live in NYC, I can try and meet some of the team from my area. It depends on how my pain level are and how are I can go!
Pooler is the area near the airport.
@A MyFibroTeam Member hello. I'm not sure how far St. Albans UK is but there is someone named emmabeth lives there.
Hello my Sister, I live in Methuen, MA. I have been here for 21 years and originally from Albany, NY.
Looking For A Support Group Or A Few Friends.
I Am Not Sure If This Is A Question Or A Feeling Sorry For Myself Moment.
Fibromyalgia Support & Friendship Group Blackpool