Do Anyone Have Trouble With Their Tongue As Hurts & Burn
I’ve had burning lips and tongue for years now. At times I get it often then it’ll go away for a few days. The intensity of it is still the same when I get it though. You just get use to it like all the other things we get, but it’s still annoying.
I thought it was the side affect of my RA medicine. My doctor. gave me a high dose of Folic Acid prescription. That cured it within a day or so. You can always use this little remedy. Get a bottle of liquid Benadryl and a bottle of Maalox antacid liquid. Mix a little cup of 1/2 of each. Swish it around your mouth and spit it out. It will numb and sooth your mouth for a couple of hours.
Hope that helps. Glad to know I am not alone (not that I would wish that on anyone).
@A MyFibroTeam Member yes definitely have the burning feet also and it drives me crazy! Mostly starts in the evening though for me and I’ve finally found sort of a solution!! Those bean bags you can throw in the microwave to lay on pain areas, well mine are kept in the freezer and I pull it out each night and lay my feet on it! Feels so good!! I know I was one of the first ones to ask about the burning tongue awhile back and I thought I’d just ask even though it sounded rediculous and sure enough, all the positive answers I got confirmed my crazy thought “could it be related to fibro?” Gotta love this illness!
hmmm I do have this and I didn't think fibro...caused it. Sometimes it will last for a few days. Sauce and salty foods. Yikes.. anyone have burning feet?
Omg we have talked about this so many times and yes that burning tongue is definitely a part of fibro!! Feels like you’ve burnt it on hot coffee or something but it lasts forever! It’s really hard at this time of year with those wonderful strawberries out!! I find salty food, acidic food and sometimes just nothing at all will set it off! Gotta love this crazy illness!!
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