I Have Recently Developed An Irregular Heartbeat, Specifically Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC's).
They seem to be worse when I'm stressed, or sometimes when my IBS is flared up and I'm getting a lot of gas. Does anyone else have this? Is it a fibro thing?
Hello any irregular heart beat should be checked out by a cardiologist which your own GP would refer you to,I had the same problem not related to my Fibromyalgia and had to have a Pacemaker fitted which now controls my heartbeat but that is not to say you will need the same there are several methods of treatment,but please do see your doctor.
No It is a cardiologists area.
Dr T. Ross was recommended to me. http://www.arizonacardiologygroup.com/
I will pray for you..
yes!!!! i live with my mother in law and Father in law so every time i start getting stressed out by them my leg pain gets worse..its so weird...im only on medicaid so my insurance covers basically nothing can't get any massage therapy...constantly tired...sometimes i don't know where the hope is for this condition...
No, I don't believe it is. You should see your doctor about it. If you know what it is, have you had this before? God bless you.
Anyone Experience Heart Palpitations With Fibro.. Seeing A Cardiologist But So Far Nothing Found.
Does Anyone Have Pvc's, And If So, What Do You Do For Them?
Fast Heart Beat/Anxiety