Have Anyone Found A Successful Way For Them To Stay Awake And Focused All Day
I recently fulfilled a dream in getting a full-time job. My fibromyalgia gets in the way to where I'm afraid of losing my job. It's a desk job that requires a lot of availability to interact with teammates. Extra caffinated coffee, peppermint oil, Altoids, citris oil, music, gum; nothings works. Or it doesn't last very long. How can I successfully stay awake and focused during the day more often?
Are you getting enough sleep at night, or do you have lots of night wakefulness, like a lot of us having fibro. do? Check out online which vitamins help energy levels. Both B-12, sublingual, and magnesium help me with energy, as much as is possible with also having chronic fatigue syndrome. Eat protein snacks through the day to help keep up your energy also. Good luck with the dream job.
Nuvigil isnthe best for me. I can get out of bed bc of fatigue w/out it. Adderol helps. Ive tried ritalin & didnt feel much but that was ~ 8yrs ago. Provigil is a shorter acting verision of nuvigil which id rather be on but ins wont cover jt. B12 injections used to help me but not anymore. My friend w FM said she takes a B-complex supplement & couldnt function wihout it. Ill find out more info about jt snd keep y’all updated.
when i explained my problem to my pcp, he gave me low dose ritalin to use on the days I worked. when i quit my job I stopped taking it. it did help keep me awake and focused
I cant get out if bed w/out it**
Good luck w/ your dream job. I had a job i loved but because of the constant fatigue and the pain, I had to give it up. I now work from home, so I can nap when I need to. I would talk w/ your boss. Are they aware of your issues? Can u ask for breaks and maybe a quick nap during the day.
Dose Any One Have Butrans Patches What Dose An How Do You Find Them
Hi, Has Anyone Tried Prolozone Injections To Help With Areas Of Chronic Muscle Tightness?
Does Anyone Suffer From Aching Hurting Hips Or Is It Me Its Unbearable At Times.