Do Many Of You Suffer, As I Do, From An Extreme Sensitivity To Odors, Caused By Fibromyalgia?
The medical terms is multi chemical sensitivity disorder or the more extreme is multi sensory overload! The first is smells and chemical contact with the skin! The other is every sense of The body being overloaded continuously to point it can trigger anxiety attack, necessity for physical and emotional separation to lower the stimulation in order to be able to function in a group!
I believe all or most of our senses are heightened.. Iām sensitive to light now as well as smells.
@A MyFibroTeam Member, as much as scents bother me, I still love the smell of a candle store and my house smelling like all those fragrances. I am more sensitive to gasoline or diesel smells, fire burning from brush! Perfume can give me a headache, but only certain ones. I do wear perfume daily, just a little amount.
@A MyFibroTeam Member, yes! I can't stand the smells of clorox, diesel, gasoline, certain foods and candle scents!
I've been sensitive to odors for years. Everything I use has to be unscented. If someone gives me flowers, they must stay as far away from me as possible so that I can breath.
When I was looking for a house my realtor and son and I walked into a house and I immediately told them that there was something wrong because the house had a very bad smell. Neither of them could smell it. When we opened the door to the basement they finally could smell what I was smelling the whole time. There was mold in the basement.
My husband had asthma and I with my sensitivity to odors had a lot of trouble sometimes in crowds. It wasn't unusual for us to have to change seats in church because someone was wearing perfume or a smoker sat down near us. We often left church early because one of us just couldn't breath.
The bad part is that the unscented soaps and detergents are always placed in the middle of the isles in the stores so you have to hold your breath long enough to find them, grab them and get back to an unscented space so you can breath.
I can't go into some stores because the perfume counters are right by the front doors. Perfume is hard to deal with.
Anyone Find A Decent Way To Deal With Extreme Sensitivity To Sound, Lights, And Smells?
Light Sensitivity Episodes
Would Someone Please Explain This, Is Fibro Autoimmune Or Not?