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Fibro And Disability

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Brockport, NY

Had anyone been granted Social Security Disability on Fibromyalgia alone?

August 22, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

Yes, I wAs granted Social Security after being off work for five months. It has truly been a blessing.

August 23, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

They give it to drug additic and alcoholic. Fibro patients definitely deserve it, especially if they have been productive citizens and supported the system. Just like people with PTSD.

August 25, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I had applied for disability when my Doctor took me out of work. This was about 20 years ago during the time when Drs did not believe that fibro was real. I had a lawyer who told me he did not think i would get the disability because the judge that was assigned to me had a reputation of not giving out disability unless you were bed ridden. He even turned down blind people and those without limbs. I had a call the day before my court date that he ruled in favor of my case. He was stunned and thought i was not going to get it. I told him that this judge has a wife, daughter, sister, mother child with fibro and understands exactly what we were going through. You should be able to receive what you paid into. Good luck.

August 25, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

SSI is for those who have NOT worked enough. SSD is for people who HAVE worked enough. :)

August 23, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

There’s SSI which is a federally based program. And SSD which is where you’ve worked & paid in. :)

August 26, 2018

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