EMBARASING QUESTION: Does Anyone Have Unexplained Bladder Problems And Is It Related To Fibro?
Women at some point in life may experience leakage and can take supplements for this but when there is an unexplained bladder problem what is the reason for it if the doctors don't have an answer for it. I'm looking at several similar questions being asked in Q+A that have not been answered and I think its because it is an embarasing question. Please help someone if you can.
As for me idk if anybody gets it. It hurts like somebody kicked me down there n hurt alot. Sometimes it burns. But doc says I'm good. Part of fibro. He gave me a tube of med n its helps alot. Does anybody get this?
Tracy, a tip I read (for women) - when you think you have finished urinating, lean forward while you are still on the toilet, that will enable the bladder to finish emptying.
Kenyatta, as I previously told someone else, I think if you are diligent in keeping that area clean and moisturized, that problem will disappear. I remember 100 years ago I used a Summers Eve product for something and i wasn't right for me and burned. I heard an ad on TV recently for something called (I think) Replens which was a moisturizer type for that area. I am going to try to buy some soon. Hubby buys the groceries, and I won't make him try to buy it (although he will buy my pads when I ask him too), but either my caregiver can take me to the grocery store, or I will order it on-line. I hope this info is helpful to you. I think this thread has given a lot of helpful info to a number of our members! tHANKS, Mary, for starting it.
I don't have leakage but I do find myself having to go to the restroom a little more than usual sometimes. I have noticed that sometimes when I go to wipe down there, it does sting only on one side.
Same. But only once the temperature hits 20+C. So I have to wear pads every day and diapers at night all summer and then I am fine again in winter. This is year 2 and I had a hard time with it at first but I am getting used to it now. I will see a specialist eventually. Waiting list.
Have Any Of You Had Bladder And Urine Issues?
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