Hi does anybody suffer with bladder problems I’ve had this for years constantly weeing feeling like I need to go when I’ve not long been
Also I get up about 4/5 times a night then go snout 3 times in first hour and half in morning
I only drink water really no alcohol , I had urethra stretch 6 years ago and bladder wash out this was great for a while 😢😢
I’m also on a tablet for my bladder this does nothing no matter what time I take it sorry for the long post
Due to death urologist in couple… read more
Thank you MoFinn, I think for the most part my family always wonders what I am doing in the bathroom. While I was reading about getting up washing your hands then sitting down again. At times I am I there for hours, on a regular basis at night I fall asleep in there at times hours have gone by. I have also fallen off numerous times and have gotten two concussions. The doctor I have seen has tried two different medications so far but have not found one yet. I have experienced terrible pain at times but it doesn't sound nearly as bad as some people. I am a new member and am learning so much information. Unfortunately, not new at having Fibro have had since 2000.
IC (Interstitial Cystitis) you are very lucky if you do not have sever pain as the pain of IC is classed as the 3rd most painful disease to have. Look up Bladder Health UK they are fantastic; you can also join one of the IC groups on facebook. If you are in the US look at ICA; if you need some more info please let me know xx
Interstitial cystitis is very common with fibro. I take Elmiron for it and it helps immensely.
I do, i might drink half a coke 0 at work and i paid attention one time and i go every 30 min! It was one of the symptoms my dr was all like “yep its fibro” about. I got to find some med for it, its rather annoying as im sure you know!
Ok I’ll try find that page thankyou for your help Mofinn🙏🏻💕
Does Anyone Have Bladder Problems 😟
Bladder Issues
Anyone Do Alot Of Wee