Scientific Fibromyalgia Books....??
I just bought Fibromyalgia for Dummies in the hopes to find recent research and answers since I’m a beginner to this. Does anyone know of any other scientific and helpful fibromyalgia books? - foods to avoid
These 3 sites are very helpful
Check out the dates they were written and if they were written by people who have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue! You can go online to the and look under chronic pain or fibro. Don't need to spend lots of money on hardback books. Everything you'll need to learn about fibromyalgia is online usually. Especially new info! Gentle hugs to you, @A MyFibroTeam Member
As a follow up, I have now finished the book, “The Fibro Manual” by Ginevra Liptan, M.D. I can recommend it very highly!! As a R.N., I have read many books & articles about our disease & this book should be required reading for everyone. It has a concise protocol to share with doctors, also.
Research scholarly articles about fibromialgia. You can find the most recent scientific results, just type in for instance pain management of fibromialgia patients scholarly articles or let's say fibromialgia and ibs scholarly articles, then read the abstract to see if you are interested in the article or how much you understand and how useful it is for you.
Yoga for chronic pain by kayla kuran. Also the fibro fix by David Brady.
Please Recommend Online Courses, Websites, Books, Podcasts Etc That Are Useful To Learn More About Fibromyalgia
Would Someone Please Explain This, Is Fibro Autoimmune Or Not?
Can Anyone Advise, I Love Reading, But Recently Every Time I Pick A Book Up, My Eyes Go Really Heavy And My Head Feels Numb. Is This Normal?