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Has Anyone Found Good Weight Loss Exercises And Diet Plans?

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Tucson, AZ

Along with fibro, I'm still healing from ankle surgery in March and haven't been exercising or eating like I should have. Some days it's still a chore to get off the couch! I have a fatty liver and the Dr wants me to lose 20 pounds and get my liver enzymes down where they should be or I will have to get a biopsy. Definitely don't want that! Has anyone found a diet and exercise plan that works well for fibro? Trying to keep heart healthy as well for my dad who is getting a catherization. Thank… read more

October 14, 2018
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I gained 40 lb while taking so much medication so I stopped 4 out of the 6 and only kept taking the two I really needed which was Lyrica and Percocet. Then I started to walk at least two to three days out of the week for at least 35 to 45 minutes period and on the days I don't walk I do some stretching with yoga. It is so good to stretch the muscles ligaments and tendons all the things that really hurt us to keep them mobile. Then I take a nice hot bath with epsom salts to help replenish my body with the things that I am losing. And lastly eating try to prepare most of my food at home lots of broccoli and cauliflower for fiber leafy greens and some protein to go with it. I stay away from cookies and donuts and cake and now I tried to eat a piece of fruit if I want something sweet.I try to watch calories I do eat granola bars for a snack nuts are always good to munch on I just try to keep things fresh. All this fast food stuff is so bad for you. And I did lose 30 of those 40 pounds but still struggling with the last 10.but with winter time coming it's going to be really rough cuz we're going to really hurt and we're not going to want to do anything. My fibro Warriors if you want to be stagnant and be on the couch or in bed all day that is no life it's worth a little bit of extra pain to get up and get moving. Sweep vacuum dust keep moving really important but hey if we're flaring and we're having a bad day you take those days to yourself because you deserve them. Don't feel bad about it there will be days where we're not going to be able to function just don't make it everyday. 🙋🤗💙

October 26, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

My son lost 50 lbs just by cutting down on the amount of food he ate and by not keeping sweets, chocolate and biscuits in the house. He also cut out red meat altogether. Remember it's how much you eat that puts the weight on. And yes fast foods are a no,no. But let that last meal of the day be healthy and small and early. No snacking with TV at night.

October 28, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I will say this, weight loss is different for every person because of genetic make up, blood type, DNA etc. it tends to be a more experimental thing for each person to see what works and what doesn't. The other thing that I would add that usually works for almost everyone is fasting. not extreme fasting but intermittent fasting, two meals a day, one meal day type thing. or 70 to 90% organic diet (fruits, veggies, beans). And the main culprit to weight gain is also sugar, sugar in any form is bad juju, sugar does not leave the body easily, its one of the main cause of several diseases. so cutting back on juices in general and just drinking water 90% of the time will help eliminate sugar, in addition to white rice, bread, sodas of any kind weather diet or sugar free. We will be surprised how many things we eat that have sugar its scary, most time they just switch the name sugar to something else just so we can buy the product.

October 19, 2018
A MyFibroTeam Member

I'm loving the riced steamed cauliflower! I use it in place of rice in almost everything, but the best replacement is for a homemade "stir fry". I steam veggies and chicken breast, then pour them on a bed of the riced cauliflower. Really helps me feel like i'm not missing out on food choices. I've lost 50 pounds so far. Also, swimming is great. I've joined Planet Fitness and the 30 minute circuit is awesome. You can modify everything to your needs.
I just read a great article about  tai chi having great success helping people with fibromyalgia with pain control and weight loss.
Most important... find what YOU like to do, and modify it to your ability level. You deserve to enjoy your life.

Hugs 💜

March 3, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

Hello there,
I've been doing a nutritional cleansing and detox that had allowed me to release 28 lbs, over 18 inches since June and have been able to go back to yoga and walking. I just had my annual physical, doctor was very impressed. All my bloodwork came back with everything within normal range. That's the first time in 20 years! I have so much more energy also. Still have a ways to go with the weight and the fibromyalgia but at least I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Message me if you'd like more info.

This pic of me on the left is before, the right is after losing 24 lbs. And I'm still losing.

October 28, 2018 (edited)

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