Internal Shaking?!
So aside from having annoying twitches all over my body over this past week I’m starting to feel like jitttery when my body is still. It’s hard to describe but it feels like when you get the chills but your body doesn’t move. It’s almost as if I’m trembling but can’t physically see it. I’m going crazy over here! Anyone else experience this? My muscles also feel weak, tense, and overworked. Sometimes when I extend my legs and arms they shake.I’m taking magnesium and vit d but no improvements… read more
Does it feel like your muscles are vibrating or like a humming almost in your bones? I get the humming sensation that runs down my feet and legs. I also get full blown muscle shakes where my entire leg will shake. Are you still having constant twitching in your leg? I’m on day four of my deltoid. Not letting up at all. 😕
Yes, I have internal tremors.... drive me nuts!!!!! I get them in the evenings, only a couple of times in the day.... you're not alone.... interested to hear what your Doc says.... I had bloods done for neuropathy, came back clear.... i'be no idea what causes them... just about given up mentioning anything to the Doctors. .. they seem as in the dark as we are....💙
I get tremors after I have exposure to chemicals and food additives like MSG. My nervous system is triggered, and that causes pain and inflammation too.
Yep... that's the feeling.... I take sleeping tablets, they help me fall asleep , but nothing for the tremors. ... it's like mini earth tremors in my feet.... always starts in feet, sometimes stays there, but works it's way up my legs.... i'very only started getting them this year.... I soooooo wish they'd go away..... 💙
Hi i have had fybro for around 13 years and have experienced the trembly feeling as if my insides are vibrating or like as if I have had a shock. I think this is from adrenaline imbalance, like a mild flight or fight reaction and for me it comes and goes. I tend to find that neuro problems come along in batches together. For example I am really sensitive to noise when I get the internal shaking and recently I have had really noticeable muscle jerks which have caused my arms, hands or legs to move involuntarily. I have never experienced these jerky movements before only mild annoying twitches in the muscles. I would love to hear if anyone else has had this symptom as I am worried this may be something else. My coordination is never great but since the muscle jerking started it is much worse. I manage to work full time although i feel like a zombie most of the time and would love to hear if anyone has any advice about how to improve the overwhelming tiredness that fybro seems to cause.
Shaking/trembling- Internal Shaking
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