I Have What I Call "slipping" In Some Of My Joints - Primarily Ankles, Sometimes Hips -feels Like They Give Out A Little. Anyone Else?
I have fibro but was also diagnosed last April with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. One of the signs is hypermobility and subluxation or dislocation and many other issues. Basically it's a defect in our collagen. Collagen is the glue that holds our joints together. You should ask a referral to a genetic doctor. Although eds and fibro are similar in symptoms there are many things to watch for and avoid with eds. worth investigating.
Yep. US you get referred back to GP. This is totally neurological but a neurologist wont treat it nor will a rheumy from what ive experienced. And yes, i roll my ankles.
Yes it sounds like hypermobity. Just a posh word for double jointed. The only treatment really is controlled exersise like palates not high impact ones like zumba though. It's a pain when it's in your ankles as you slip over more as they turn in.
I have hyper mobile joints and snapping hip syndrome. I have to do PT for it to keep stability because my ligaments and muscles need to learn to work together again. I also can’t do strenuous exercise anymore. If I’m on my feet a lot or in stressful situations it can act up.
Yea I get that all the time, but more in my knees, shoulder and hips. My ankles turn inwards though. Its really uncomfortable but not really painful unless it gets stuck. We don't know why as of yet for me. Are you double jointed? If so try asking about elhers danlos syndrome and search it up.
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