Anybody Have Tender Sore Scalp To The Touch?
Pain feels like it's coming from the roots. Wondering if it comes along with fibro.
For the last couple of years I've had a tender scalp plus scabby places all of the time. I've tried everything from a skin doctor to tea tree oil. Lots of other remedies. I'm now free from them due to a liquid called Agresept. I use 8 drops in a beverage. It's nasty tasting, but it kills fungus, yeast & anything else that shouldn't be in your system. 🌹
Yes,,I have had that..many many times..
Yes not often But Icant put hair up Because then it's Like that for DAYS..
Yes I have scalp pain very often, it is part of fibromyalgia.
yes—lots of scalp sensitivity & pain behind my ears that causes entire head to hurt
Is Having Scalp Tenderness A Symptom Of Fibromyalgia?
Earaches, Throat Pain And Scalp Sensitivity On Right Side.
Has Anyone Tried ActiPatch?