Medical Marijuana
How do I get that medical marijuana for mi fibromygia
Laws differ from state to state, just google Marijuana plus your state name to see what procedure is in your state and if it's even legal. Here in Oklahoma, you have to have a Marijuana licensed physician to write you a 'scrip (costs about $200) then go to a state-approved store to buy the marijuana. I understand that most of the stores here also have a doctor available to write you a scrip. I don't know yet if he just automatically writes one at your request or if he has to do a thorough exam to see if you are warranted to have the drug or not.
My pain management doctor told me that I would not be permitted to take my pain meds if I took medical marijuana. That law may just apply to my State (Oklahoma) though, I don't know.
I'm in Tennessee my Dr approves cbd oil
I believe Dove's computer auto-corrected her sentence & that made it wrong! I think she meant 100% not 100 present.
You need to order 100 present cbd
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Medical Marijuana