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What Is Your Best Resource For Information On Fibro???

A MyFibroTeam Member asked a question 💭
Iowa City, IA

Being new to the diagnosis, I have been reading questions posted here. I have some questions and wondering, if you research your own questions, do you have a favorite source of Info? For example, I've seen the question, "Does it progressively get worse?" Great question,,,,, And I'm also wondering, if I put off prescription treatment now, because although the pain is constant, I am still able to tolerate it without meds; will that benefit me more in the future, if/when pain gets worse, because… read more

January 19, 2019
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A MyFibroTeam Member

I have had fibro for over 30 years and I discussed pain medication with several doctors. I have been told I have a high pain threshold. Although some days I wonder about that, I have elected to not take drugs, some of which have serious side affects. I guess it's up to each person to decide but when my doctor said she really hesitated to prescribe some of these because of the side affects I decided to tolerate the pain as long as I can. I have used essential oils which seem to help a bit (Young Living has pure oils but are expensive for some but worth every penny). Also, I have used OTC meds such as Advil that help some. I know that some days are worse than others so I leave the OTC meds for those days. I also find a warm bath with epsom salts helps as well. Hope this helps.

January 19, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

You can go to Google and just type in full question. It will bring up a lot of sites. The big ones to follow are Mayo clinic, WebMD and health net. You can find others as well. That's what I do when I'm curious.

January 19, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

I agree. Everyone is different and I guess that's why it is so hard to get any help for the condition. And it's so true, unless you have it, there is no way you can understand. I had to quit work; I just couldn't handle the brain fog,let alone the pain. And yes, we do mourn the people we were but I console myself by thinking that there are worse conditions. I'm able to get out of bed every day and do a little on my good days and if I can't, I just accept it and do literally nothing. I am so blessed to have a caring husband who takes over when I can't do things myself.

January 21, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

@A MyFibroTeam Member

On this Website there is a Resources Page that you can look things up on Fibromyalgia and of course you can use Google.

You can also ask Questions on this Website and get answers from very Knowledgeable People.

For myself personally I feel that Fibromyalgia does get progressively worse over time, especially when you also get more Symptoms over time as well.

Welcome to the Fibro Website and hope you find out the answers that you seek.

Blessings Healing Hugs


January 19, 2019
A MyFibroTeam Member

I’ve had fibro for almost ten years and the biggest thing I would say is everyone is different!! I definitely agree it gets worse as time goes on and you get deeper pain in so many more areas! I take way too much medication but every time I think “okay, I got this” and I start reducing whatever, I end up in bed not able to get out so I increase it back to where it was! What works for some may not work at all for others but nobody deserves to live in this much pain so do what you must do to help yourself! Some people still work and just the thought of getting up every day and having to go to work makes me feel sick, there’s no way I could do it! But I do say hats off to those that are doing it because they still can but feel so bad for ones forced to do it because of financial reasons! If you have a question, definitely come on here and ask because if people don’t have fibro, even doctors, they just don’t get it!!! Welcome to this wonderful site and you will I’m sure appreciate everyone’s help cause we’ve all been there! One more thing, once we get to the point where we are very restricted in what we can do, be ready for the depression cause most of us mourn the loss of the people we once were!! Again welcome!!!

January 21, 2019

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