Why Do I Want To Sleep Every Second Hour ?and Very Sensitive To Smell .
Lately I am feeling very exhausted I close my eyes and get up Thirty min later .I also been finding I am very sensitive to any smell .is anyone out there having these two problems .
With fibro our brains never reach REM stage sleep so we are always tired and exhausted. REM stage sleep restores and refreshes your body but this never happens to fibro sufferers.
Migraines. Migraine headaches can cause and be caused by hyperosmia. Heightened sensitivity to smells can happen between migraine episodes. Odor sensitivity can also trigger a migraine or make you more susceptible to having them.
I have good days and bad days. On the bad days, I am extremely exhausted and weak. It is so frustrating. Even when I rest, I feel exhausted. I also have misophonia, which is an extreme sensitivity to certain sounds. It drives my husband crazy, but his chewing noises drive me crazy, so we're even.
I have the same issues with sleep. Interrupted & nonrestoritive sleep are pretty common with fibro. This leads to feeling tired all the time. I take chamomile tea at bedtime with melatonin + a supplement called Theanine Serene. These help on most days. I think brain fog is connected to the sleep problems.
Sunlight, loud noises and smells are triggers for me too.
Hi @A MyFibroTeam Member
I have the same sleep issues where I am awake pretty much every 2 hours at night but need to sleep every 2 hours in the day, it's horrible and very frustrating and confusing, the smell thing I, only have at night for some reason but the smell is so strong sometimes I can,almost taste it in my mouth, well I hope you manage to get some rest this evening my thoughts and prayers are with you x xxx
Anyone Tried Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation??
Anyone Else Struggle With Loud Noises And Smells . I Totally Usually Sit In Silence Most Of The Time No Tv No Music , Silence 🤫
Does Anyone Else Wake Up At Night And Then Stay Awake For Hours