Twitching Muscles
Morning all. Please could any one let me know what their muscle twitching feels like. Mine seems to have ramped up these last few days and is everywhere non stop. Some are just the random single twitches and others are those that go on continuously in the same spot for days. Then some are the really intense fasticulations. No muscle is spared lips, legs, shoulders and the tummy ones are the strangest. Would be good to hear from others and hopefully put my mind at rest that not the only one… read more
I am a member of a benign fasciculation support group and many people on there report feeling perceived weakness where the muscles feel like they get tired faster but they aren’t actually weak. They can still lift things and do things but the muscles feel like they tire faster. That’s not the same thing as clinical weakness where you can’t lift a coffee cup. Also many of those people with bfs report aches and pains as well. I experience aching and pain but it’s hard for me to say if it’s bfs causing that or fibromyalgia.
I have had twitching (fasciculations) for 5 months now. Some days at better than others but they have calmed down compared to how they used to be. I was experiencing hundreds a day, very frustrating and scary. Of course I did what most of us do, and googled it and convinced myself I was going to die. So I went to see a neuromuscular specialist at he Mayo Clinic and they performed a nerve study and emg. After a thorough exam and normal test results the doctor reassured me that the twitching is benign and common in nervous system disorders like fibro. Just a few things to remember: MND is very rare. Twitching would be a result of the muscle dying, and you would more than likely have muscle weakness as in you can’t lift your arms or button a shirt. And the neurologist said that all over twitching is not consistent with MND as in all the muscles don’t die all at once but rather in segments. Of course it’s different for some people, but all over twitching is more in line with benign fasciculations syndrome and fibro rather than anything scary. If you are very worried see a neuro and get testing done but the odds of it being nothing are in your favor.
I have had fasiculation on/off for 2 years. I researched it heavily, and I found that many people have them. From what I see, it is a likely a glutamate/gaba imbalance. Glutamate is excitatory. Gaba is inhibitory. Stress is usually the culprit as it causes glutamate to override gaba. Which is why the more you stress over it, the worse they are. I had them for 6 months in 2017, worried about it alot, but then something happened that got my mind focused on something else more important to me. Later I noticed I wasn't having them. Again, stress. Magnesium helps. Benzos help. What I have been doing is removing anything from my diet and supplements that contains any hidden forms of glutamate. MSG is the most known, but there are actually many forms. Excess glutamate is implicated in lots of issues including autism and seizures.
I get it when sitting standing working out etc I just notice it more when I’m resting.
I also have muscle twitching all over. And I also freaked out because of dr google. But I was diagnosed with benign fasciculation syndrome from my neuro. Its interesting that so many people with fibro seem to experience this too. Maybe it’s just a symptom of my fibromyalgia and not bfs. Anyway, nice to know I’m not the only one!
How Do You Describe It
Twitching, Along With The Muscle And Joint Pain Do Many Of You Suffer Twitching Muscles And Muscle Spasms?
Does Anyone Get The Muscle Twitching?