Has Anyone In South Africa Explored How To Get Relief Regarding Fibromyalgia Being Recognised As A Medical Condition
I have. Unfortunately our medical aids do not recognise Fibro as a disease and will not pay for medicine that has been prescribed as relief for pain as a result of Fibro. It really is unfair and backward but regrettably, that is what happens.
Has anyone in south Africa heard of the pain clinic in pretoria. A specialist Dr Raath
It is most unfortunate but the way to get the medicines for some pain relief, goes under the ICD code for depression or bipolar or severe mood disorders etc. These are then put on chronic medications but it has to be done by a psychiatrist.
We have to work together as pioneers to get something done. Its terribly unfair because I do not believe it's a mental disorder as described as an ICD code under depression. A stronger voice will yield results eventually
Does Anyone Know How Many South Africans Who Have Fibromyalgia? Do We Even Have Specialists In This Field?
Would Someone Please Explain This, Is Fibro Autoimmune Or Not?
The Financial Impact Of Having Chronic Illness