Has Anyone Experienced Facial Pain?
Along jawlines, (Sometimes it feels like My lower jaw is being tightened with a vice script which then affects my speech) painful nose, eyes, ears and temple areas. It comes and goes....
I found a physical therapist with a specialty certificate in jaw pain . Worked well . Not TMJ. Trigeminal neuralgia . She worked inside my mouth . Do your research to find . Call the best PT clinic and ask for source .
Yes jawline and ears alot
@A MyFibroTeam Member
Better have it checked whether it's Myosfascial or TMJ
I do have TMJ. It sounds familiar with what you are describing to a degree. But I don't recall it getting to that extent. I take fish oil twice a day and have been for a few years. When I have ran out or have stop taking to see if it really help my jaw has tighten up and that has radiated in my face. This shows me to get back on it.
I am not sure if this is what you have though. Hopefully someone will chime in on this.
How Do You Describe It
TMJ Problems With Fibromyalgia